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Left in Peril: The Shocking Allegations of Corruption, Human Rights Violations, Neglect at U.S. Embassy in Costa Rica

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In a striking criminal complaint we have obtained, dated September 26, 2024 and sent out on the 27th by certified registered mail, U.S. investor and businessman Enzo Vincenzi has laid out serious allegations against the Costa Rica American Embassy, particularly under the leadership of Ambassador Cynthia A. Telles. The allegations, addressed to several U.S. governmental departments and the media, accuse embassy officials of organized public corruption, human rights violations, obstruction of justice, and gross negligence. The charges are based on an alarming series of events in which Vincenzi claims his rights were blatantly disregarded, his safety compromised, and his livelihood destroyed.

GoFundMe: Support Enzo Vincenzi’s fight against Costa Rica corruption!

The scope of the accusations suggests not only severe diplomatic failures but also broader systemic issues of international negligence, particularly regarding the protection of U.S. citizens abroad. The complaint, which is backed by a 13-page criminal dossier, further exposes alleged complicity among Costa Rican officials and attorneys in what is described as a conspiracy to defraud and intimidate Vincenzi.

Who is Enzo Vincenzi?

Enzo Vincenzi is no ordinary complainant. As an American businessman and investor in Costa Rica, he has reportedly contributed over $1,000,000 USD to the country’s economy. However, despite his significant financial contributions, Vincenzi alleges that he has been a victim of a sustained campaign of harassment, corruption, and discrimination, orchestrated by corrupt Costa Rican officials and facilitated by a negligent U.S. embassy.

Vincenzi’s plight highlights a critical issue faced by U.S. expatriates and investors—namely, the lack of adequate support and protection when caught in the crosshairs of corrupt local powers and international diplomatic failures.

The Allegations: A Timeline of Corruption and Neglect

1. Denial of Medical Treatment and Emergency Assistance

On September 17, 2024, Vincenzi found himself in a life-threatening situation after an attack by a gang of corrupt Costa Rican officials and public attorneys. Despite sustaining injuries and facing multiple death threats, his visit to the Costa Rica American Embassy was met with indifference. Vincenzi describes being left outside the embassy for over 45 minutes, during which time no medical assistance was provided. This denial of aid not only worsened his physical condition but also violated his fundamental right to healthcare and safety—a key principle of international human rights law.

2. Obstruction of Justice

Perhaps the most serious accusation in the complaint is the embassy’s role in obstructing justice. According to Vincenzi, embassy personnel—acting under the authority of Ambassador Telles—repeatedly denied him entry and refused to assist in reporting the death threats and corruption he was experiencing. When he attempted to call for help, the phone line was abruptly disconnected. This blatant disregard for his safety, compounded by the refusal to engage with his concerns, fits the legal definition of obstruction of justice—a serious crime that carries both criminal and diplomatic repercussions.

3. Discriminatory and Inhumane Treatment

The complaint paints a troubling picture of discrimination and inhumane treatment. Despite his status as a significant investor and U.S. citizen, Vincenzi was left in a vulnerable position. His contribution to the Costa Rican economy, along with his repeated pleas for help, were ignored, implying a discriminatory bias against his circumstances. Vincenzi’s case raises pressing questions about whether the U.S. embassy is upholding its duties to all U.S. citizens equally or whether some are being denied assistance based on arbitrary criteria.

4. Negligence Leading to Financial Ruin

In addition to his personal safety concerns, Vincenzi’s financial security has also been targeted. His efforts to obtain legal residency in Costa Rica have been systematically blocked, leaving him in a precarious position where he is unable to access basic necessities such as food, water, and medical care. This financial sabotage, compounded by embassy negligence, has not only destroyed his investments but also placed his life at further risk. His case calls into question whether international investment treaties between the U.S. and Costa Rica are being respected.

5. Ignored Death Threats and Legal Fraud

The most chilling aspect of Vincenzi’s complaint is the five documented death threats he received from corrupt Costa Rican officials and attorneys. Despite alerting the U.S. embassy to these threats, no action was taken to ensure his safety. In parallel, he became the target of fraudulent legal actions, including falsified domestic violence charges and unlawful attempts to foreclose on his property. These actions amount to a campaign of intimidation and financial destruction, facilitated by a justice system that has seemingly turned a blind eye to Vincenzi’s rights.

Legal Foundations: Violations of International and U.S. Laws

The complaint against the Costa Rica American Embassy outlines a myriad of legal violations, both under international law and U.S. statutes:

  • Human Rights Violations: Vincenzi’s allegations of being denied medical treatment, subjected to discriminatory practices, and facing death threats directly contravene the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which guarantees all individuals the right to healthcare, safety, and freedom from inhumane treatment.

  • Obstruction of Justice: The embassy’s refusal to assist Vincenzi in reporting his safety concerns and human rights abuses constitutes obstruction of justice, a violation of both U.S. law and the embassy’s obligations under diplomatic immunity and protection laws.

  • Investor Rights Violations: Vincenzi’s significant financial contributions to the Costa Rican economy should have entitled him to protection under bilateral investment treaties. However, the alleged financial sabotage and failure to secure his residency status amount to a breach of these international agreements.

What Does Vincenzi Seek?

In his complaint, Vincenzi demands a thorough investigation into Ambassador Telles and the embassy staff involved in the alleged misconduct. He seeks full legal protection from the U.S. government, immediate action against the corrupt officials in Costa Rica, and press coverage to raise international awareness of his situation. Vincenzi’s case is not just a call for justice—it is an urgent plea for diplomatic accountability.

The Broader Implications: A Diplomatic Wake-Up Call?

If proven true, Vincenzi’s allegations reveal a dangerous gap in the protection of U.S. citizens abroad, particularly in regions where corruption and political manipulation run rampant. The case underscores the need for more robust oversight of U.S. embassies and their adherence to international human rights standards. Furthermore, it highlights the vulnerabilities faced by expatriates and foreign investors in countries where local corruption can jeopardize not only their finances but their very lives.

The fallout from this complaint could lead to significant diplomatic consequences, including an overhaul of embassy protocols and a renewed focus on the treatment of U.S. citizens facing emergencies abroad.

Conclusion: A Call for Action

Enzo Vincenzi’s criminal complaint is more than just an account of personal injustice—it is a clarion call for reform in how the U.S. protects its citizens and investors abroad. As the investigation unfolds, the world will be watching to see how the U.S. government responds to these grave allegations of corruption, negligence, and human rights violations at the Costa Rica American Embassy.

Enzo Vincenzi – Organized crime conspiracy criminal complaint Download:

WANTED: $5,000 USD Each Reward for the Arrests and Convictions of Corrupt Costa Rica Public Attorneys and Officials

The Costa Rica Conspiracy: Unraveling the Web of Corruption and Deceit – A Warning to American Investors

A Corruption Nexus Exposed: U.S. Investor’s Quest for Justice in Costa Rica

Kyle James Lee

Majority Owner of The AEGIS Alliance. I studied in college for Media Arts, Game Development. Talents include Writer/Article Writer, Graphic Design, Photoshop, Web Design and Development, Video Production, Social Media, and eCommerce.

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