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Yes, your beer tastes better ice cold, and scientists discovered why

While the slogan “Save water, drink beer — ice cold” might be catchy, a recent study published in Matter adds scientific backing to the preference for frosty pints. Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences investigated how temperature affects the taste of alcoholic beverages.

Their findings? Alcoholic drinks exhibit varying degrees of “ethanol-like” taste depending on how cold they are. The team discovered that the temperature alters the way water and alcohol (ethanol) molecules arrange themselves. At a molecular level, these clusters form either chains or pyramids, impacting the drink’s flavor.

At lower alcohol concentrations, similar to those found in beer (typically 4% to 10%), colder temperatures (around 41°F) promote the formation of pyramid-shaped structures around water molecules. Lead author and scientist Lei Jiang summarized this phenomenon: “At cooler temperatures, these tetrahedral (pyramid-shaped) clusters become more prevalent at lower alcohol content. This explains our preference for chilled beer.”‘

A study conducted by scientists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences revealed that the flavor of alcoholic drinks can be more or less reminiscent of "ethanol" depending on the temperature at which they are consumed. Yes, your beer tastes better ice cold, and scientists discovered why
A study conducted by scientists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences revealed that the flavor of alcoholic drinks can be more or less reminiscent of “ethanol” depending on the temperature at which they are consumed.

The study delved beyond just frosty beers, examining long-held beliefs about alcohol consumption order. Traditions like “Liquor before beer, you’re in the clear” were put to the test. Unfortunately for those seeking a hangover-proof method, the order of consuming different types of alcohol seems to have no bearing on hangover severity. Most hangover “cures” are ineffective according to Sandra Arévalo, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (not affiliated with the study).

Experts on intoxication agree that the intensity of a hangover is more about the total amount of alcohol consumed and how quickly it’s ingested. While a cold beer might be undeniably refreshing, it’s important to remember that alcohol, regardless of temperature, can lead to dehydration, sleep disruption, headaches, heart palpitations, stomach problems, nausea, and even inflammation in various organs as the body works to eliminate toxins and replenish nutrients.

Life’s short, but that doesn’t mean we have to settle for lukewarm beer. Just remember, moderation is key!

One Comment

  1. Real men drink Ales – lagers are for those that can’t stand the taste of real beer – so they drink cold lagers – that can’t be tasted.

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