Staff Directory

Kyle James Lee (Gambit Mutant / The Real Gambit) – Majority Owner of The AEGIS Alliance, Journalist, Activist, Editor, Writer, Video Production, Social Engineering, Social Media Management, Content Creator, Web Design & Development, Graphic Design

Jeffrey Childers – Cyber Security, Social Media Management, Content Creator, Editor, Writer

Stephen James Hayward – Journalist covering news in the United Kingdom and greater Europe as The AEGIS Alliance U.K., Social Media Management, Content Creator, Activist.

Rebekah Bonnie Thompson – Sidford (Bonnie) – Journalist, Writer, Activist, Social Media Management, PedoHunter at large.

Mark Lubbers (Anonymous Ally) – Networking, Journalist, Reporter, Activist, Interviewer, Video Production, Editor, Enthused Ally of The AEGIS Alliance.

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