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Air Japan flight from Dallas to Tokyo canceled after police break up all-night party where pilot was drinking

Last Wednesday, a Japan Airlines flight from Dallas to Tokyo was abruptly cancelled because of doubts about the pilot’s suitability to fly. The airline decided to cancel the flight because the pilot’s actions raised concerns, putting the safety of the 157 passengers and the 49-year-old captain first.

The pilot had gone to Dallas around six o’clock in the evening with other crew members, according to incident details. But the night took a strange turn when the social meeting turned into a long hotel party, which started in the lounge and then moved into the pilot’s room.

A hotel employee, agitated by the volume of noise, interrupted shortly after two in the morning and asked the group to desist. The pilot was described as disruptive by the staff member, who called the police after becoming even more concerned about the pilot’s behavior and speech patterns, according to the Mainichi.

Air Japan flight from Dallas to Tokyo canceled after police break up all-night party where pilot was drinking The pilot was characterized as causing disturbance the evening prior to the departure. (FlightAware)
The pilot was characterized as causing disturbance the evening prior to the departure. (FlightAware)

The pilot was questioned by the authorities and given a warning for his actions, but Japan Airlines decided that he was not fit to fly the next day. Sadly, it was not possible to find a replacement pilot in such short notice, which led to the cancellation of the flight.

Jeffrey Childers

Journalist, editor, cybersecurity and computer science expert, social media management, roofing contractor.
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