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Air Japan flight from Dallas to Tokyo canceled after police break up all-night party where pilot was drinking

A Japan Airlines flight scheduled for Dallas to Tokyo last Wednesday was abruptly halted due to concerns about the pilot’s fitness to fly. The airline, prioritizing the well-being of the 49-year-old captain and the 157 passengers, made the decision to cancel the flight after the pilot’s behavior raised red flags.

Details surrounding the incident revealed that the pilot had joined fellow crew members for dinner in Dallas around 6 pm. However, the evening took a turn when the social gathering morphed into an extended hotel party, first in the lounge and later continuing in the pilot’s room.

Shortly after 2 am, a hotel staff member, disturbed by the noise level, intervened and requested the group to quiet down. However, the pilot’s demeanor and speech patterns caused further concern, prompting the staff member to contact the police, the Mainichi reported, describing the pilot as disruptive.

Air Japan flight from Dallas to Tokyo canceled after police break up all-night party where pilot was drinking The pilot was characterized as causing disturbance the evening prior to the departure. (FlightAware)
The pilot was characterized as causing disturbance the evening prior to the departure. (FlightAware)

While authorities questioned the pilot and issued a warning regarding his behavior, Japan Airlines deemed him unfit to fly the following day. Unfortunately, securing a replacement pilot on such short notice proved impossible, resulting in the flight cancellation.

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