
News in the Science Category

Two giant blobs are lurking deep within the Earth, but why?

Two giant blobs are lurking deep within the Earth, but why?

Earth’s violent forces, volcanoes and earthquakes, have long puzzled scientists. A recent study sheds light on their origins, proposing a cosmic collision billions of years ago as the culprit.The culprit?…
Yes, your beer tastes better ice cold, and scientists discovered why

Yes, your beer tastes better ice cold, and scientists discovered why

While the slogan “Save water, drink beer — ice cold” might be catchy, a recent study published in Matter adds scientific backing to the preference for frosty pints. Researchers from…
Future farms on Mars could receive a boost from intercropping

Future farms on Mars could receive a boost from intercropping

With aspirations of establishing human outposts on Mars, NASA is collaborating with astrobiologists to identify optimal crops for this extraterrestrial agriculture. To maximize yields in these unique conditions, researchers are…
Space laser transmission beams down to Earth from 140 million miles away: NASA

Space laser transmission beams down to Earth from 140 million miles away: NASA

This marked a monumental leap in long-distance communication. Earth successfully received a laser transmission from a record-breaking distance of 140 million miles – a feat with profound implications for future…
Genetically modified mosquitoes are being released in Florida

Genetically modified mosquitoes are being released in Florida

Thousands of mosquitos that have been genetically modified are starting to be released into Florida as of this week in a coordinated effort to battle disease-spreading types of the flying…
Our Universe – “On an Expanding Bubble Surrounded by Other Universes”

Our Universe – “On an Expanding Bubble Surrounded by Other Universes”

Is our universe really travelling on the edge of an expanding bubble within an extra dimension? Surrounded by other bubbles, each with additional universes?Certainly it may sound like a far…
Reasons for Globe Earth Proof that Flat Earthers Cannot Explain!

Reasons for Globe Earth Proof that Flat Earthers Cannot Explain!

(The AEGIS Alliance) – Reasons for Globe Earth Proof that Flat Earthers Cannot Explain – by Joshua KittermanThe fact is that Flat Earth “science” has yet to reconcile many observed…
Scientists Effectively Use Solar Power To Change Salt Water Into Freshwater

Scientists Effectively Use Solar Power To Change Salt Water Into Freshwater

Nearly 97 percent of all water on the planet is brine. The normal tactic to remove salt is as simple as boiling water and recording the steam. Desalination is costly…
Scientists Now Believe the Universe Itself has a Conscience and is Self-Aware

Scientists Now Believe the Universe Itself has a Conscience and is Self-Aware

Physicist Gregory Matloff recently published a new paper; that has brought the idea back into discussions of science. It promises that experimental tests could be done in order to “validate…
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