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Attempting to Clear up Misconceptions about Anonymous…

Attempting to clear up misconceptions about Anonymous…

#Anonymous has different sectors… They aren’t just one giant group of “hackers” like the misconceptions some people have about them. There are many “hacker” groups who’ve done operations that just go by the name Anonymous. Anonymous is an idea and a movement; not all Anons are “hackers”.

Anonymous had already been divided; and when President Trump took office, it divided them further.

There are UN-official rules of Anonymous such as to not support politicians in the name of Anonymous. Many Anonymous members have broken this rule on a personal level, but most Anonymous doesn’t exploit politicians for monetary gains and to be looked at as a leader figure. There is also another rule to not make money in the name of Anonymous; and both of these rules have been broken by so-called Anonymous such as AnonHQ.com that now goes by Anonymous-News.com … Along with Anonews.co … They’ve broken the rules and are not actually Anonymous.

There are no leaders of Anonymous; and there is no Official Anonymous either.

The AEGIS Alliance does not claim to be a leader of Anons; but we do have Anonymous allies.

…And I made damned sure I didn’t use the name of Anonymous when I came up with the meaning for AEGIS in The AEGIS Alliance:

The Activists – Alliance for the Exposure of Government Intelligence and Secrets

Here is an excerpt of the UN-official rules of Anonymous that AnonHQ.com has broken; provided by We are Anonymous on THIS WEB PAGE:

1) Showed support for a politician
2) Tried to influence their large supporters to vote for BS
3) Profit from the name of Anonymous
4) Uses Click Bait to lure trusting supporters
5) Sells Anonymous merchandise
6) Posts rubbish stories to mislead the masses
7) Is turning people away from Anonymous
8) Claims to be Anonymous Headquarters

YouTube Channel Anonymous Official Exposed!

Kyle James Lee

Majority Owner of The AEGIS Alliance. I studied in college for Media Arts, Game Development. Talents include Writer/Article Writer, Graphic Design, Photoshop, Web Design and Development, Video Production, Social Media, and eCommerce.
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