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Ajit Varadaraj Pai of the #FCC has been #DOXED! #OpNetNeutrality #OpDefendTheNet

Ajit Varadaraj Pai of the Federal Communications Commission has been doxed. The full text was on Pastebin but has since been removed. The hack was a part of #OpNetNeutrality / #OpDefendTheNet and was carried out by Anonymous Intel Sec on Facebook and Twitter; an Anonymous sec as part of a bigger Anonymous Belgium and Europe on social media platforms. Included in the hack with personal information about the 44 Chairman of the United States FCC, are 33 street addresses, 10 phone numbers, emails, social media accounts, and 42 family members or associates. The AEGIS Alliance tweeted it out; and it received some re-tweets, mainly due to @YourAnonGlobal and the others that followed. According to sources; Ajit Pai has shut down his phone number, things such as this are bound to happen with others included in the doxx.

The DOXX was later removed from PasteBin because there were actual violent threats against Ajit Pai and his family, with random people contacting them.

This is the initial Tweet by us:

Apparently Anonymous Belgium received a message from Twitter and their account was blocked on Twitter:

The message reads:

Message by Anonymous Belgium

Many of you have retweeted our tweet with the personal information about Ajit Pai Chairman of the United States Federal Communications Commission.

Because of that tweet this morning we got a message of twitter support that they blocked our twitter account because of violating the rules against posting private information, our twitter account is online but we can not tweet or retweet for the next 11 hours.

We already knew this would happen before we tweeted it out thats why we like to say with that we took this sacrifice with a lot of proud.

Keep fighting for the internet our home!#OpDefendTheNet #NetNeutrality #Anonymous

Message to the FCC from the Internet

@AjitPaiFCC #AjitPai #AjitPaiFCC #AjitBrokeTheInternet of the @FCC has been DOXXED. @YourMarkLubbers @YourAnonGlobal @AnonyInfo @LatestAnonNews @YourAnonNews @VitalAnon

— The AEGIS Alliance (@AEGISAllianceTM) December 15, 2017

Kyle James Lee

Majority Owner of The AEGIS Alliance. I studied in college for Media Arts, Game Development. Talents include Writer/Article Writer, Graphic Design, Photoshop, Web Design and Development, Video Production, Social Media, and eCommerce.
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