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“Hand Jobs” Salon Causes Controversy For Its Suggestive Name

(The AEGIS Alliance) – Dawn Moon has dreamed of opening her own salon for the past decade after becoming a licenses nail technician. However, now that her dreams are beginning to come true, Moon’s salon in Sandusky, Ohio is creating some controversy due to its suggestive name, Hand Jobs Nails & Spa.

“This is an idea I’ve had for 10 years!” Moon said in a statement about the naming of her salon. “It’s a play on words, but really is exactly what we do as nail techs…HANDS!”

Even though Moon has the belief that the salon name is quite logical, others have shared their mixed opinions on social media.

“What the hell are people thinking,” someone wrote, while another stated, “Take it down I cannot believe Perkins allowed you to use that name. Offensive!”

However, all of this attention viewed simply as being free advertising by Dawn Moon the owner, along with many of her supporters.

“The talk about the sign started almost immediately! Within 24 hours we had massive social media attention,” Moon said. “Honestly, we have had way more positive feedback and a ton of support, and very few who don’t love it.”

The salon idea’s fans include some local businesses who openly shared support for Moon when responding to a Facebook post that asked if people are offended by the name. However, the town still needs to approve the salon’s signage because Moon failed to submit a sign permit request. Until she does, the town will not be able to comment or review about the proposed name.

Moon was asked if she has a plan B is the signage permit is denied, and said, “Of course, although we aren’t speaking on that at the moment.”

Meanwhile, Moon has still been fulfilling merchandise requests, following a few people suggesting shirts that have the salon’s name on them.

“We are in the process of making the design now,” Moon said.

UPDATE: The city has now approved the signage!

Featured Image Credit: Hand Jobs Nails & Spa in Sandusky, Ohio.

Kyle James Lee – The AEGIS Alliance – This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Kyle James Lee

Majority Owner of The AEGIS Alliance. I studied in college for Media Arts, Game Development. Talents include Writer/Article Writer, Graphic Design, Photoshop, Web Design and Development, Video Production, Social Media, and eCommerce.
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