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99-year-old woman accomplishes dream of having knives thrown at her during circus show

During a circus performance, a 99-year-old British woman’s daring dream was finally fulfilled when knives were thrown at her.

At the conclusion of Zippo Circus’ final act, Annie Duplock positioned herself in front of a board and faced a skilled knife thrower who hurled blades in her direction.

According to the PA News Agency on Saturday, Duplock was employed by Zippo Circus thirty years ago as a member of the advance publicity team responsible for putting up posters.

Before reaching the age of one hundred, she reached out to Martin Burton, her ex-boss who was running a circus at Hearsall Common in Coventry, to inquire about participating in the show as a means of achieving her lifelong aspiration.

After being introduced by Burton, Duplock, hailing from Sharnford in Leicestershire, was greeted with enthusiastic applause.

Martin Burton said that “Annie worked for me 30 years ago, putting up posters. Annie was 70 years old then and she is 100 years old this August.”

99-year-old woman accomplishes dream of having knives thrown at her during circus show
30 years ago, Duplock was employed by Zippo Circus and will be celebrating his 100th birthday this summer. (Zippos Circus TV)
99-year-old woman accomplishes dream of having knives thrown at her during circus show
During Zippo Circus’ final act, Annie Duplock took to the ring and positioned herself in front of a board while a skilled knife thrower hurled blades towards her. (Zippos Circus TV)
99-year-old woman accomplishes dream of having knives thrown at her during circus show
Thirty years ago, Duplock worked for Zippo Circus and will be celebrating his 100th birthday this summer. (Zippos Circus TV)

During the circus performance, the founder informed the audience that Duplock had attended the show the night before and expressed her interest in joining the knife-thrower’s act for her upcoming 100th birthday.

99-year-old woman accomplishes dream of having knives thrown at her during circus show
At the age of 70, Duplock was a member of Zippo Circus’s advanced publicity team three decades ago. (Zippos Circus TV)

A thrilled Duplock said to the PA News Agency that “I’ve always wanted to have knives thrown at me!”

Burton consented to the integration of the almost century-old elderly woman into the performance by knife thrower Toni.

Duplock expressed her enjoyment of the experience after her time in the spotlight.

99-year-old woman accomplishes dream of having knives thrown at her during circus show
She approached her former boss, who she had worked for almost 100 years ago, to inquire about the possibility of participating in the performance. (Zippos Circus TV)

“I’m ready for the next one,” she said cheerfully.

99-year-old woman accomplishes dream of having knives thrown at her during circus show
Duplock expressed her willingness to participate in the experience once more. (Zippos Circus TV)

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