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Compton orders California couple to stop filling in neighborhood potholes themselves – ‘We’ve begged the city for help’

Fed up with the city’s inaction, a California couple took it upon themselves to tackle a pervasive problem: crumbling roadways. Alex and Daisy De La Rosa, a courier duo in Compton, became unhappy victims of the city’s neglected streets, experiencing flat tires, suspension woes, and marital spats, according to KABC, due to the constant car-battering potholes.

Taking a stand, Alex began patching potholes on their block. Witnessing the improvement, Daisy, ever the pragmatist, voiced concerns about the cost. Alex, however, was determined, insisting on a one-pothole-at-a- time approach.

Spreading the Patchwork Gospel

The De La Rosas documented their efforts on social media, resonating with fellow residents equally exasperated by the city’s dilapidated infrastructure.

“Our entire city is riddled with massive potholes,” Daisy wrote in a crowdsourcing platform, GoFundMe. “These constant impacts are damaging our vehicles, causing flats, and ruining suspensions. We’ve pleaded with the city, but they seem overwhelmed. Many of us can’t afford these repairs!”

From Pockets to Public Support

Initially, the resourceful couple funded their pothole crusade themselves. But as their guerrilla roadwork expanded, they launched a GoFundMe campaign to offset the cost of asphalt. The community responded generously, exceeding their $1,000 goal by $730. Videos posted on TikTok even showed their young children lending a helping hand.


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♬ La Diabla – Xavi

Irony Paves the Way for Frustration

Just as their efforts gained momentum, the De La Rosas received a bureaucratic slap in the face – a cease-and-desist letter from Compton’s Community Improvement Services Department. The letter, dated March 14th, cited concerns about public safety and adherence to established procedures. The city threatened fines, fees, and even liability for any damages caused by their repairs.

Disappointed but Defiant

The couple was understandably disheartened to be stopped, particularly given the city’s apparent lack of initiative. “We brought attention to this ongoing issue!” exclaimed Daisy. “We exposed those in power and showed that our voices matter! It’s a shame they were quick to shut us down, but not so quick to help!”

Echoes of a Terminator

This incident isn’t the first time Californians have taken matters into their own hands. In 2023, former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger famously filled a giant pothole plaguing his Los Angeles neighborhood, highlighting the need for improved infrastructure.

Kyle James Lee

Majority Owner of The AEGIS Alliance. I studied in college for Media Arts, Game Development. Talents include Writer/Article Writer, Graphic Design, Photoshop, Web Design and Development, Video Production, Social Media, and eCommerce.
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