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“I promised to look after a boy who has been bullying my children. I had no idea”


When Patricia promised a family that she’d look after their five-year-old son, Xavier, after school every day, she had no idea she was inviting a bully into her home. Patricia, a mother of two, thought she was doing a good deed by helping out a friend in need. However, little did she know the challenges that lay ahead. This article delves into the story of Patricia and her decision to safeguard her children while navigating a tricky situation.

The Initial Arrangement

Patricia, a mother of two, had children the same age as Xavier, a five-year-old boy. Xavier’s parents couldn’t finish work in time to pick him up from school, and since Xavier and Patricia’s son were friends, the arrangement seemed like a win-win for everyone. Patricia’s good intentions led her to offer help, believing she was creating a supportive environment for the kids.

Unveiling the Bully

Trouble began when Patricia discovered the true nature of Xavier’s behavior towards her children. Xavier not only picked on Patricia’s youngest daughter but also made threats like “I am going to kill her.” He tried to manipulate Patricia’s older son into supporting his bullying, making the environment uncomfortable for everyone. Xavier didn’t stop there; he consistently belittled Patricia’s children, calling them stupid and declaring that they wouldn’t be invited to his birthday. Patricia was taken aback, realizing she had unknowingly brought a bully into her home.

I promised to look after a boy who has been bullying my children. I had no idea
The mother disclosed that she had no inkling of the child’s unkindness towards her own children when she consented to the favor. (Getty Images)

Seeking Advice from Reddit

In search of guidance, Patricia turned to the Reddit community, sharing her predicament. The response was unanimous: Patricia should cease babysitting Xavier immediately.

One Reddit user expressed, “That child wouldn’t be allowed in my house. I would also sit down with his parents and fully explain my reasoning behind that decision. Their child needs help, but that’s not your responsibility.”

Another user questioned Patricia’s hesitation, stating, “I don’t understand why it isn’t perfectly clear to you that this boy shouldn’t be allowed in your home for many reasons, but especially because he told your three-year-old he was going to kill her. Call his parents and say, ‘I can’t take care of him anymore.’ That’s it. Boom. Done.”

A third Reddit user emphasized the importance of prioritizing her children’s well-being, saying, “This kid is not your responsibility. Your children’s mental and physical health is.”

Patricia’s Decision

In the end, Patricia decided to prioritize her children’s well-being and terminate the babysitting arrangement. She explained to Xavier’s parents that their children seemed to get along fine before the arrangement, but after Xavier started coming to their house, his behavior changed significantly. Xavier’s parents, somewhat disappointed, admitted that he was sensitive and might be uncomfortable being alone with Patricia’s family, as he liked to please people.

In conclusion, Patricia’s story highlights the importance of protecting your children from bullying, even when faced with complex social situations. When it comes to the safety and well-being of your kids, it’s essential to prioritize their mental and physical health above all else.

Remember, creating a safe and nurturing environment for your children is a parent’s top priority, and sometimes, tough decisions must be made to ensure their happiness and well-being.

*People’s names were changed.

Kyle James Lee

Majority Owner of The AEGIS Alliance. I studied in college for Media Arts, Game Development. Talents include Writer/Article Writer, Graphic Design, Photoshop, Web Design and Development, Video Production, Social Media, and eCommerce.


  1. Like I told the us government u wanna rix the sphere start with ur children! I assure u all this is not a fuc$en game one holds a key no government has amd he will twist it straighten up or we do it again now we all know hes playing lets make shit happen my friends!!👁👁🤌🤌🗝🗝low iq dont think it’s possible but i assure u it is Whateehateeh and the bimbo still doesn’t know y its beat to meet before the end🦖🦖🤌🤌👑👑🗝🗝👁👁🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 if this bimbo payed attention shed know y he doesn’t get in it and waits for the second round that us government plays although thier heads r in a$$ especially republicans now bunch of fu$k tards she can actually beat this guy america problem is she is still shoved up republican a$$☑️☑️ blondes 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💍💍 u said u weren’t ready for it I believe u r engage Ahteeh or shall i keep calling u bimbo

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