Their News

SpyCops: How the UK Police Infiltrated 1,000 Activist Groups

SpyCops: How the UK Police Infiltrated 1,000 Activist Groups

by Lowkey – MintPressNews – Creative Commons(MintPressNews) – The new MintPress podcast, “The Watchdog,” hosted by British-Iraqi hip-hop artist Lowkey, closely examines organizations about which it is in the public…
2016: Big Pharma Spending Millions Researching Real-Life Superhumans’ DNA To Earn Billions from New Drug

2016: Big Pharma Spending Millions Researching Real-Life Superhumans’ DNA To Earn Billions from New Drug

Thanks to exceptionally rare mutations, the DNA of 35-year-old Washington-based Steven Pete and 26-year-old Johannesburg-based Timothy Dreyer — two superhumans who can walk away unflinching from stab wounds, or keep…
9 Uses For Hemp You Won’t Learn From Mainstream Media

9 Uses For Hemp You Won’t Learn From Mainstream Media

These are the most newsworthy benefits of industrial hemp corporate media won’t teach you about.Credit: Activist) – Though the negative stigma associated with cannabis has lessened in recent years…
Hiding In Plain Sight: The Global Pedophile Ring Exposed

Hiding In Plain Sight: The Global Pedophile Ring Exposed

Recent revelations regarding pedophile rings run by and for the rich and powerful show that these are not isolated incidents and are part of a systemic, global problem targeting defenseless…
See The Names Of The Senators Who Voted Against The Audit Of The Federal Reserve

See The Names Of The Senators Who Voted Against The Audit Of The Federal Reserve

(True Activist ) – This Thursday, the Senate voted to reject Rand Paul’s proposal to audit the Federal Reserve. The bill needed 60 votes to pass but was rejected by…
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