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Baby Abuser Pedophile Commits Suicide in UK Prison

SOUTH WALES, UNITED KINGDOM A pedophile who abused children and babies as young as six months old was serving an extended 17-year prison sentence when he committed suicide while in custody.

32-year-old Jared Perry from Llanilar Aberystwyth was deemed an “extremely high risk to children,” and committed suicide in South Wales at Parc Prison on November 3rd.

Mr. Perry admitted to police and then gave a guilty plea in court to 10 indecent and sexual assaults on children under 13 years old before he was locked up in January, he later died in a hospital on November 3 after attempting to take his own life.

Deputy director of HMP Parc, Ian Coles said in a statement that, “On 3 November 2019, Mr Perry passed away in hospital. As with all deaths in custody, this will be investigated by the Prison and Probation Ombudsman.”

Jared Perry sexually abused both girls and boys, some of who were under six months old, according to what Swansea Crown Court heard.

The court also heard that police were only made aware of it when Mr. Perry walked into a police station and asked if he could speak to an officer, and during seven interviews, admitted to what he’d done.

Perry has been described as being a “controlling and manipulative” person who was raised in a strict religious household environment and started watching pornography at an early age,  which he later became addicted to.

The court heard that Perry’s porn watching was initially adult, but then gradually turned into images of young children. Perry was also abusing drugs.

The court judge told Mr Perry in court before sentencing him that, “I believe without a doubt you present an extremely high risk of sexually assaulting children in the future.”

An inquiry was opened on Wednesday, November 6 into Jared Perry’s death. The inquiry is next listed for May 15, 2020, for a pre-review.

An investigation into his death has been launched by The Prisons & Probation Ombudsman, and a report is expected to be published at the end of the inquiry.

The AEGIS Alliance U.K.

Bringing you news from the United Kingdom and greater Europe! Journalist, editor, activist, social media management, content creator. Based in the U.K.


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