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Mother demands answers after video shows age 4 son being yanked and dangled upside down by preschool worker

A horrific video has emerged from Kinder Kids Christian Preschool in Los Angeles, sparking outrage from a mother whose 4-year-old son was subjected to rough treatment by a staff member.

BrieAnn Battle was left in a state of utter despair, she described, after witnessing the surveillance footage capturing the incident that took place on March 14th. The video depicts a staff member, who remains unidentified, forcefully grabbing the young boy by the arms and pinning them to the ground.

The occurrence took place at Kinder Kids Christian Preschool in downtown Los Angeles on the 14th of March. Mother demands answers after video shows age 4 son being yanked and dangled upside down by preschool worker
The occurrence took place at Kinder Kids Christian Preschool in downtown Los Angeles on the 14th of March. (Google Maps)

This act of aggression is followed by the employee yanking the boy by his ankles and lifting him upside down in a disturbing display of manhandling. “No parent should ever have to witness their child being treated with such violence,” Battle rightfully expressed.

Battle’s initial reaction was to seek answers. She was shown the video by another staff member, prompting her to confront the preschool owner. Hoping for a sincere explanation, Battle entered the meeting with the owner with a desire for a frank conversation “woman-to-woman.” She acknowledged that challenging situations can arise, but was met with a response that left her feeling deeply disturbed.

The unknown staff member is observed seizing the boy by his arms and subsequently restraining both arms on the floor by his wrists. Mother demands answers after video shows age 4 son being yanked and dangled upside down by preschool worker
The unknown staff member is observed seizing the boy by his arms and subsequently restraining both arms on the floor by his wrists. (KABC)

“The owner is completely denying everything,” Battle revealed, “it’s absolutely sickening.” Further fueling Battle’s outrage, the owner allegedly presented a different video clip, seemingly in an attempt to downplay the incident. “She showed me a snippet of when she took him outside, a time when he was apparently being active,” Battle explained, implying the owner’s attempt to manipulate the narrative, ABC 7 reported.

Faced with the owner’s unwillingness to take responsibility, Battle took decisive action. A police report was filed, accusing the daycare of child abuse. “This isn’t just a simple mistake,” Battle emphasized, “the owner’s attempt to cover this up makes it a criminal act.”

The worker then proceeds to grab the child by his ankles and lift him up in an inverted position, suspending the youngster in midair. Mother demands answers after video shows age 4 son being yanked and dangled upside down by preschool worker
The worker then proceeds to grab the child by his ankles and lift him up in an inverted position, suspending the youngster in midair. (KABC)

While the staff member responsible for the abuse has reportedly resigned, for Battle, that’s not enough. The alleged attempt to conceal the incident has ignited a fire within her to pursue legal action. “This owner shouldn’t be entrusted with caring for any child,” Battle declared, “her license needs to be revoked.”

Having secured legal representation, Battle is determined to ensure no other child endures a similar ordeal at this daycare. “For that matter, she doesn’t need to be taking care of anybody else’s kids, and her license needs to be revoked,” Battle concluded, demanding justice for her son and the safety of other children.



  1. You Should demand answers this place does not sound like Any Christian school or daycare to me None or that the workers backgrounds for abuse in any way to either Children or Animals in any way has been checked before hiring. Personally I think you should receive a copy of the video and talk with an Attorney viewing this tape and see what he/she suggest you to do👍🏼🤜🏽🤛🏼🤚🏾✋
    Best of luck to you and your young Son🤞🏽✊🏼If not an Attorney please speak to a Detective or someone in the Department showing the video see what they suggest as far as charges being brought against this “worker” in control of young Children🤜🏽🤛🏼👍🏼🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🙏🏽

  2. As per the Canadian liberal government ruling Canadians are not allowed to see news information on Deadbook.

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