International News

International News

Massive ‘Gravity Hole’ in Indian Ocean may have been caused by ancient sea that sank millions of years ago

Massive ‘Gravity Hole’ in Indian Ocean may have been caused by ancient sea that sank millions of years ago

A massive, alleged “Gravity Hole” mystery beneath the Indian Ocean could potentially have originated from the remains of a primordial ocean, as per recent research.Scientists recently provided potential beginnings of…
‘Mysterious’ brain disorder strikes hundreds, with more and more cases being reported

‘Mysterious’ brain disorder strikes hundreds, with more and more cases being reported

Throughout the Canadian territory of New Brunswick, the amount of individuals affected by a mysterious, cognitive disorder with lethal potential continues to increase.Neurologic signs such as muscle wasting, hallucinations, visual…
New Zealand is now the first country to ban single-use produce bags at grocery stores

New Zealand is now the first country to ban single-use produce bags at grocery stores

Patrons in New Zealand are already anticipated to bring their personal tote bags when visiting supermarkets. Presently, they will additionally be requested to carry their personal reusable bags while purchasing…
Australia is first country to allow psychedelics to treat PTSD and depression

Australia is first country to allow psychedelics to treat PTSD and depression

Commencing today, beginning on the first day of July, 2023, Australia has now authorized medical professionals to prescribe MDMA and hallucinogenic fungi to address post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression.It…
Young Russian bank vice president woman plunges to her death from Moscow apartment window

Young Russian bank vice president woman plunges to her death from Moscow apartment window

According to reports, a “youthful” vice president of a Russian financial institution fell to her demise from the window of her 11th-story residence in Moscow. This incident marks another enigmatic…
Researchers: unwashed pillowcases contain more bacteria than toilet seats

Researchers: unwashed pillowcases contain more bacteria than toilet seats

You won’t fall sound asleep after this.According to a report released this month by Amerisleep, an unclean pillowcase has the potential to contain approximately three million microbes within a mere…
Newly discovered ‘Stonehenge of the Netherlands’ is 4,000 years old

Newly discovered ‘Stonehenge of the Netherlands’ is 4,000 years old

Right on schedule for the summer solstice of this current year and half a year before the winter solstice, a group of scientists revealed that they found a sanctuary dating…
Expert: Extraterrestrials will most likely contact artificial intelligence before humans due to likely ‘kinship’

Expert: Extraterrestrials will most likely contact artificial intelligence before humans due to likely ‘kinship’

According to an astronomy expert from Harvard University, it is probable that extraterrestrial beings will communicate with artificial intelligence prior to humans, as these aliens may relate to human-made technology.“My…
Indigenous people of Brazil protest as lawmakers vote to limit their land rights

Indigenous people of Brazil protest as lawmakers vote to limit their land rights

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – A proposition has been sanctioned by legislators in Brazil, which critics contend will undermine the rights of Indigenous lands and environmental conservation.The approval on the…
Brain and spine implants assisted by AI helped a paralyzed man control his legs again

Brain and spine implants assisted by AI helped a paralyzed man control his legs again

Earlier this month, a team of neuroscientists and researchers published a revolutionary study in the journal Nature, which elaborates on the effectiveness of electrical devices that were implanted into the…
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