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College students ambush soldier as part of “To catch a predator” TikTok trend

An active-duty solider, who was in Worcester, Massachusetts attending his grandmother’s funeral, was reportedly targeted in a disturbing incident reminiscent of the television show “To Catch a Predator,” according to the Army Times. The soldier, whose name has not been released to the public, had been lured to the campus of Assumption University by a student using the dating app Tinder. When he arrived at the agreed meeting place, he was ambushed by a group of students who appeared from nowhere and began to accuse him of paedophilia.  Luckily, the soldier had a friend who helped him to get away from the initial attack. The students followed him even up to the car, whereby he escaped and called the Worcester Police Department. Police responded rapidly and arrested eight students involved in attacking the soldier. The students have been charged with the assault.

The incident appears to have been lifted right out of the playbook of the controversial television show “To Catch a Predator,” with its sting operations employing hidden cameras against individuals who sought to engage in sexual activity with minors.

The show was designed to expose predators but also drew criticism over the methods it employed and entrapment potential. The show’s format often coerced people into a sting operation, where they would be ambushed and taped by the host of the show, Chris Hansen. Whereas many found this an interesting twist in television for viewers, it brought forward many questions related to due process, privacy invasion, and accusations of false reporting. The ordeal of the soldier shows the danger of meeting up with strangers found on the Internet and being very cautious in situations like that.  It also serves to point out responsible social media use and sensitization of the possible consequences of emulating potentially harmful trends.

The incident has raised concerns over the potential dangers of online interactions and the influence of social media trends, particularly among young people. The ease with which people can connect online can create a false sense of security, making one more open to manipulation, harassment, and even physical harm. The very disturbing feature of this case is the element of false accusations and how disastrous it can be for those innocently involved. Here, he was wrongly labeled as a pedophile—a stigma carrying such a heavy social discredit and thus causing massive destruction to one’s reputation, relations, and even job prospects.  The incident serves as a sobering reminder that one must be careful with online dealings and not engage in serious accusations without basis.

It is the ethics regarding “To Catch a Predator”-style vigilantism and ambushes, wherein one could say that the apparent intent behind the show was to expose predatory behavior. However, the way it conducted and carried out those exposés effectively blurred any distinction between citizen journalism and law enforcement. By taking the law into their own hands, these students in the incident have involved themselves in an act of vigilantism that is both dangerous and subversive to the justice system. That may result in a miscarriage of justice and would further ignite conflicts, which contributes to a culture of fear and mistrust.

This is not the only such case. At Salisbury University, students were charged with hate crimes after luring and attacking a man in an off-campus apartment, the Associated Press reported. Alongside the case of the soldier, this points out an increasing trend of online vigilantism egged on by social media and a hunger for infamy. These incidents clearly show the need for more sensitization about such dangers and the need for responsibility while being online.  Conclusion

The shocking incident in which an active-duty soldier was ambushed by college students brings to the fore a few main problems associated with internet safety, the consequences of following social media trends, and vigilantism. The students, inspired by the television show “To Catch a Predator,” lured the soldier to campus under false pretenses and falsely accused him of being a pedophile. This incident shows many of the dangers of online interactions, false accusations, and questions of ethics over vigilantism. While the soldier escaped without serious physical harm, the emotional distress and reputational damage caused by such an attack are great.  The case is a grim reminder of the responsibility of a digital citizen and the need for critical thinking and awareness of potential consequences if one gets into a dangerous trend.

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Jeffrey Childers
Journalist, editor, cybersecurity and computer science expert, social media management, roofing contractor.


  1. A disturbing incident involving an active-duty soldier has led to the criminal charges against a group of college students at Assumption University in Massachusetts. The event that took place on campus was purportedly caused by a risky TikTok social media fad that was sparked by the TV show “To Catch a Predator.”

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