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Thief Apologizes for ‘Dumb Mistake’ and Returns Stolen Baby Jesus Statue with Note

Thief returns stolen baby Jesus statue with note asking forgiveness for ‘dumb mistake’

He embodies Dismas during the Yuletide season.

A repentant burglar returned a porcelain baby Jesus to a firehouse in Colorado with a hurriedly scrawled note pleading for forgiveness for the “foolish error.”

According to Fox9, an unidentified thief brought the renowned baby Jesus back to the Old Town Square nativity display in Fort Collins, Colorado, shortly before the holy festival. The display had been missing since December 17.

A photo of a fair-haired impostor who was allegedly caught stealing the ceramic representation of the Messiah from the traditional festive ornamental arrangement in the small town square was first circulated by the Fort Collins Police.

Thief Apologizes for 'Dumb Mistake' and Returns Stolen Baby Jesus Statue with Note
The statue of baby Jesus was brought back along with a note penned by the suspected offender. (Fort Collins Police)

The effigy and a handwritten note were then given back to the Poudre Fire Authority.

“I’m really sorry, I made a dumb mistake in the moment. It won’t happen again,” the lukewarm apologetic missive conveyed.

Pieces of the figurine’s fingers seem to be broken.

According to the account, officials are still unsure if the impairment happened during its covert transportation.

According to Fox9, law enforcement stated that no other information about the offender is known.


Rebekah Legion

Journalist, Writer, Activist, Social Media Management, PedoHunter at large.


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