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(VIDEO) An Important Message from The AEGIS Alliance About Past Videos We’ve Produced

An Important Message from The AEGIS Alliance About Past Videos We’ve Produced

Greetings world! We, are The AEGIS Alliance, with, Anonymous allies. We’ve put out this video today, because I, Kyle James Lee, majority owner of The AEGIS Alliance, have an important message, about videos we’ve produced in the past that’s been bothering me.

Videos we’ve produced, have done great things. Some examples are, the New Hampshire double murder exposed video, which launched an F B I investigation, led to an arrest, and conviction. The video about a military veteran we released on a memorial day, who was wrongly accused, and led to the veteran’s charges being dropped, and, launched an investigation into the officer’s misconduct. Another video, and article, included a mentally disabled man, who was badly beaten by Lee County, Florida, Sheriff’s officers, and charged with crimes he did not commit. The charges were soon dropped against the mentally disabled man. There was also a video about how Nestle, is a key contributing factor to California’s wildfires, and droughts, because of unfathomable amounts of water it extracts, on expired permits. The nestle video and credible website article were on the top page of google for a time, when searching, nestle California wildfires, it caught on, and much more content came out about it.

However, there is one thing that has been bothering me about some of the past videos, and I’ve been meaning to inform you all. In some past videos, there is a little part about now President Donald J. Trump, in them. These videos had our allies, Anonymous, in them, but, as some Anonymous like to think, Anonymous is not meant to support politicians. I did not personally support Trump, or Hillary Clinton either. What happened is, the script writer for some of the videos, insisted on leaving the Trump part in the videos, I would argue with him, that Anonymous is not meant to support politicians, but he was adamant about including the little Trump part.

I’m sure many Anonymous have their own personal political views, but, most of them don’t try to influence their political views onto the masses, such as the so called Anon HQ, or do, along with others.

“We do not claim to be a leader of the Legion, The AEGIS Alliance has Anonymous allies.”

Kyle James Lee
Majority Owner of The AEGIS Alliance. I studied in college for Media Arts, Game Development. Talents include Writer/Article Writer, Graphic Design, Photoshop, Web Design and Development, Video Production, Social Media, and eCommerce.
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