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Alabama Tennis coach for underprivileged kids gets prison time after he beat student, engaged in sex acts with her

In Alabama’s city of Montgomery, a former tennis coach who physically abused and sexually exploited a young athlete will spend 25 years in prison.

Leroy Joyner Jr., 51, was sentenced to 300 months in prison on August 8th by federal prosecutors in the Middle District of Alabama for bringing a minor across state lines with the intention of engaging in illicit sexual activity. Joyner was convicted of this felony in January by a jury. After serving his entire sentence, the defendant will be released under supervision. At a later court hearing, the victim’s financial compensation will be decided.

In September 2018, Leroy Joyner Jr., who ran an underprivileged youth-focused tennis academy in Dale County, Alabama, came under investigation for allegedly abusing a 15-year-old student physically. A pattern of cruelty was discovered during further investigation, according to the prosecution, who claimed Joyner hit the victim with a wooden object to make her comply. The evidence that Joyner started a predatory sexual relationship with the same girl when she was just 13 years old is even more unsettling, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

According to court records, Joyner took advantage of his position by bringing the victim along to out-of-state tennis tournaments, where he committed sexual offenses in South Carolina, Georgia, and Louisiana. This disgusting conduct persisted until the involvement of law enforcement.

United States Attorney Ross emphasized the gravity of Joyner’s crimes, stating, “This significant sentence reflects the harm that Joyner inflicted upon his young and vulnerable victim.” FBI Special Agent in Charge Paul Brown added, “Yesterday’s sentencing was the result of law enforcement’s collective efforts to protect the children in our communities.”

Rebekah Legion

Journalist, Writer, Activist, Social Media Management, PedoHunter at large.

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