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#Anonymous Shuns ‘The Anonymous Party’ on Facebook for Hijacking the Movement

There has been a lot of controversy surrounding a page on Facebook named The Anonymous Party. Anonymous has called out this page for hijacking its movement and pushing a political agenda in the name of Anonymous.

The Anonymous Party has a political agenda that is a fantasy utopian reality, and as many true Anonymous will tell you, Anonymous isn’t meant to support politicians or political agendas in the name of Anonymous. Sure, many Anons have their own personal political preferences, but most of them don’t try to push their political preferences to the masses, there’s a difference.

Jaak Sazonov runs The Anonymous Party, he is a former right-wing Trump supporter living in Canada. Jaak is now believed to work in the solar power industry, according to photos taken from his apartment building. Jaak supported Trump as recently as June 2019, and now suddenly has turned extremely left-wing with a fantasy utopian political agenda.

The Anonymous Party has held meetups with Anons at physical locations, and when the actual Anons show up they’re criticized and protested against, sabotaged, and threatened physically. This harms the actual Anonymous movement that has true meetups and activism, some who’ve been organizing for years.

Anonymous has had to deal with its movement being hijacked multiple times in the past. Another went by the name The Anonymous Party in 2011, led by Christopher Nemelka, who changed the name to Humanity Party in 2014 after facing much criticism from Anonymous. In 2015 there was another Anonymous Party as well. The same thing is happening all over again. has pointed out that there is an Anonymous creed which says:

The Creed:

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1. Anonymous is an immaterial idea.
2. Anonymous is a living, breathing, entity.
3. Any individual can become Anonymous.
4. Not all can join the collective.
5. Anonymous has no head.
6. Anonymous speaks for itself.
7. No one speaks for Anonymous.
8. Justice is the will of Anonymous.
9. Chaos is justice.
10. Lulz empowers and justice unites.

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Those who follow ‘The Creed’ are Anonymous. Those who make the attaining of knowledge their highest priority, are of the collective.

We Are Anonymous coined a version of this creed as well, which includes things such as no making money in the name of Anonymous, and not to support politicians in the name of Anonymous, and The Anonymous Party has surely violated these creeds.

“We are NOT affiliated with anything related to The Anonymous Party!”Anonymous Worldwide

We just want to make sure people understand that Anonymous:

  • Does not have a business.
  • Does not have a political party.

We are an idea free to use for everyone. No one represents all of us, and hierarchy like exists in political parties goes against everything we stand for, Anonymous Worldwide wrote.

There are many Anonymous pages on Facebook that have started to take a stand against The Anonymous Party. has also contributed to Anonymous distancing itself from The Anonymous Party.

Kyle James Lee
Majority Owner of The AEGIS Alliance. I studied in college for Media Arts, Game Development. Talents include Writer/Article Writer, Graphic Design, Photoshop, Web Design and Development, Video Production, Social Media, and eCommerce.
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