Weird But True

Grandma thought she was texting Robert De Niro, but her granddaughter knew it was a scam, ‘I couldn’t stop laughing’
Crime News

Grandma thought she was texting Robert De Niro, but her granddaughter knew it was a scam, ‘I couldn’t stop laughing’

A tech-savvy granddaughter prevented her grandma from falling victim to an online imposter. The scammer, posing as legendary actor Robert De Niro, targeted Gina Morgan, a 76-year-old from South Wales.Morgan…
Woman has to travel through gator-infested waters just to take her trash out every week

Woman has to travel through gator-infested waters just to take her trash out every week

Living on the fringes takes on a whole new meaning for Katie, who dwells on the banks of Georgia’s Satilla River. Here, the ordinary chore of throwing out the trash…
My daughter heard ‘monsters’ in the wall, what we discovered was something from a horror movie

My daughter heard ‘monsters’ in the wall, what we discovered was something from a horror movie

If those walls could talk, they’d probably be screaming.A woman was astonished and disgusted to discover that the “creatures” her daughter had been hearing were in fact a massive colony…
Space laser transmission beams down to Earth from 140 million miles away: NASA

Space laser transmission beams down to Earth from 140 million miles away: NASA

This marked a monumental leap in long-distance communication. Earth successfully received a laser transmission from a record-breaking distance of 140 million miles – a feat with profound implications for future…
Smoker’s tongue sprouts green hair after years of smoking cigarettes
Health News

Smoker’s tongue sprouts green hair after years of smoking cigarettes

He tastes like salt and hair.The tongue of a man from Ohio became green and covered in hair after a suspected response to smoking tobacco while also undergoing antibiotic treatment.A…
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