Anonymous Hackers
Ajit Varadaraj Pai of the #FCC has been #DOXED! #OpNetNeutrality #OpDefendTheNet
December 16, 2017
Ajit Varadaraj Pai of the #FCC has been #DOXED! #OpNetNeutrality #OpDefendTheNet
Ajit Varadaraj Pai of the Federal Communications Commission has been doxed. The full text was on Pastebin but has since been removed. The hack was a part of #OpNetNeutrality / #OpDefendTheNet…
The YouTube Channel – “Anonymous Official” – Exposed
September 18, 2017
The YouTube Channel – “Anonymous Official” – Exposed
Most, who follow the idea and movement of Anonymous, have heard of the YouTube channel, “Anonymous Official”, which is notorious for stealing videos created by true Anons, revamping them, then…
#Anonymous and The AEGIS Alliance hack Vietnam for #OpVietnam #OpVietcongs #OpVietMedia
Anonymous News
January 31, 2016
#Anonymous and The AEGIS Alliance hack Vietnam for #OpVietnam #OpVietcongs #OpVietMedia
#OpVietMedia #OpVietcongs #OpVietnam We support #Anonymous CausesIn early March of 2016, We Are Anonymous, Anonymous Legion, and The AEGIS Alliance shut down most government services in Vietnam for eight days…