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UK mom says she killed pedophile neighbor because he abused her 12-year-old son

It seems that a British woman who was convicted of killing her neighbor by stabbing him to death after learning he was a pedophile has revealed that her young son was one of the sick pervert’s victims.

Michael Pleasted, age 77, was killed at his condo in eastern London by Sarah Sands, a 38-year-old single mother of five children, a few weeks after she learned that he had abused young boys.

She was found guilty in 2015 of manslaughter because she lost control of herself, and she was sentenced to three and a half years in prison. However, a judge later determined that the sentence was “unduly lenient” and increased it to seven and a half years.

Pleasted had been found guilty of sex crimes 24 times, spanning more than three decades, during her trial.

“I did what any mother would do because he did this to my son Bradley, my little boy,” Sarah Sands, who was incarcerated for almost 4 years before being released, told The Sun.

“I never dreamt I’d be capable. I have no pride in it but at least I know he can’t hurt anyone else. I’m not a bad person but I know I did a bad thing. I’ve never denied that and I’ve been punished,” Sands pointed out.

“I’d never kill again. I don’t see myself as a murderer, but I don’t regret what I did. I was a mom desperate to protect my children,” Sands carried on.

It was then that she remembered what had happened before the fatal stabbing.

“I remember picking up a knife and I went to Mick’s. I wanted to persuade him to plead guilty so Bradley would not have to testify,” Sarah Sands stated. “Mick opened the door and smirked. He was cocky and abrupt.

“He wouldn’t listen to me. He was cold. A different man to the one who’d been my friendly neighbor,” Sands claimed.

“I poked him in his front with the knife and he grabbed me. I lost control. I couldn’t let anyone else get hurt, somebody had to protect people,”

She said, adding that she had alerted the police, social services, and real estate authorities about the neighbor’s proximity, but they had been unsuccessful.

Because Pleasing had changed his name and his criminal history predated the sex offenders list, no one was aware of his illicit past., The Sun reported.

“I had no idea who he really was. How could I? He had lied and changed his name so he could attack kids,” Sarah Sands informed The Sun.

In 2014, Sands said, Michael Pleasted made an offer to her 12-year-old son Bradley to work for the store where he had been volunteering. She assumed it would be a great way for Bradley to earn some money.

“Mick was a role model. I’d take him meals and we’d chat. I had no reason not to trust him. I thought Bradley was safe,” she said to The Sun.

However, Sands’ child soon began to lose interest in the work, and weeks later, she discovered that Pleasted had been connected to the molesting of two children.

“I knew the boys. I didn’t doubt a word they said. It was awful. They were 12, so young,” Sands mentioned to The Sun. “Bradley said nothing had happened to him but he had to give a video statement to the police because he had worked with Mick.”

Bradley reported Pleasted’s abuse to his mother Sands in November 2014.

“I found him pulling out his hair, rocking, shaking, and crying. He kept saying, ‘I should have told you before, that could have stopped him getting those younger boys,’” Sands stated. “He was attacked at the shop and his house. I felt sick and heartbroken.”

Bradley is currently 19-years-old, and he informed The Sun that he was “too embarrassed to say anything at first,” at the time.

“I didn’t want to get into trouble but I was having nightmares Mick would come after me,” he mentioned.

“I begged them to re-arrest Mick. He was back on the estate like nothing had happened and because he’d pleaded not guilty his victims, including my son, would be made to testify,” Sarah Sands pointed out.

She at that point made a decision to take the matter into her own hands.

“I drank two bottles of wine, returned to my old flat, and knelt on the floor holding a photo of the kids, screaming. I hadn’t been able to cry before, Bradley was always around,” she told The Sun.

“The guilt I felt for not protecting him overwhelmed me. That is when I picked up the knife and went to Mick’s,” Sarah Sands said.

Sarah Sands fatally stabbed Michael Pleasted 8 times using a 12-inch long home kitchen knife and also said to the cops: “Who houses a f–king pedophile on an estate?”

Sarah Sands was reunited with her loved ones in August of 2018, she is currently writing a book titled “Loss of Control.”

The AEGIS Alliance U.K.

Bringing you news from the United Kingdom and greater Europe! Journalist, editor, activist, social media management, content creator. Based in the U.K.


    1. Patty Anderton U are an idiot times 100.
      Do your homework stupid
      He ordered kids to have sex with not once but twice!
      From Epstein and from a place that traffic kids from his country of birth, Africa!!!
      Do u have brain damage like Biden???

  1. I totally agree she did what should be done to all those mfs more should send the message tired of the children being sexually abused

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