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Technology News

One of the Biggest QAnon Sites Taken Offline After Operator Is Outed

One of the Biggest QAnon Sites Taken Offline After Operator Is Outed

(The AEGIS Alliance) – One of the biggest Qanon conspiracy theory hubs on the internet named QMap, suddenly went offline this week following the developer behind it being uncovered by…
Meet the All New NSFW Subaru Forester F%#@S Edition

Meet the All New NSFW Subaru Forester F%#@S Edition

SUBARU – You’ll hope nobody asks you what kind of car you drive if you decide to purchase the new vehicle being released by Subaru.That’s because of the latest Forester…
Iceberg-Shaped Floating Skyscraper Purifies Air, zaps carbon dioxide into fresh, breathable air

Iceberg-Shaped Floating Skyscraper Purifies Air, zaps carbon dioxide into fresh, breathable air

The “Heal-Berg” is a concept for a futuristic skyscraper that could usher in a new era of sustainable architecture. Shaped like a majestic iceberg, this floating marvel aspires to heal…
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