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70-year-old killer of pregnant wife emerges from rainforest 22 years after escaping prison because statute of limitations ran out

In an extraordinary turn of events, Ramón Ángel Abregú, a 70-year-old man convicted of the heinous act of killing his pregnant wife, has resurfaced from the depths of the Argentinian rainforest after eluding the clutches of justice for over two decades. Abregú’s story is one of cunning escape, survival, and the intriguing complexities of the legal system. This article delves deep into the captivating narrative of his escape, life on the run, and the legal twists that have brought him back into the spotlight.

The Great Escape

It all began in February 2001 when Ramón Ángel Abregú made a daring escape from prison, where he was serving a 20-year sentence for the murder of his seven-months-pregnant wife, Eva Falcón. Abregú’s case was marred by the grisly nature of his crime, as he had ruthlessly shot his wife four times in a medical clinic in Rio Grande, Argentina. The motive behind this act was clear – femicide, an intentional killing driven by gender-related motivations. His crime sent shockwaves through the community and left a legacy of fear and distrust.

Abregú’s escape was nothing short of audacious. Months after his conviction, he managed to slip away while being transported to another location in a truck heading towards the Sebastián Border Crossing in Chile. This daring move marked the beginning of a chapter that would span over two decades.

70-year-old killer of pregnant wife emerges from rainforest 22 years after escaping prison because statute of limitations ran out
In 2000, Abregú received a 20-year prison term for fatally shooting his pregnant spouse, Eva Falcón, at a healthcare establishment in Rio Grande, Argentina. (Newsflash)

Life in the Shadows

According to local news Clarín, after crossing the border into Chile, Abregú embarked on a journey that would see him reenter Argentina, where he would take refuge in the Northern Province’s forests. His ability to evade capture for more than 22 years is a testament to his resourcefulness and a certain level of security deficiencies in the system, as pointed out by local sources.

The Chaco Salteño jungle became his unlikely sanctuary, providing him with the cover he needed to remain hidden. Abregú’s ability to remain undetected for such a prolonged period is nothing short of remarkable, raising questions about the effectiveness of the justice system and the efforts to bring fugitives to justice.

70-year-old killer of pregnant wife emerges from rainforest 22 years after escaping prison because statute of limitations ran out
Ramón Ángel Abregú, a septuagenarian, surfaced from the lush rainforest of Argentina where he has resided for over two decades after successfully evading captivity. (Newsflash)

The Statute of Limitations

Abregú’s return to the public eye is not without legal complexities. His reappearance coincides with the expiration of the statute of limitations on his crime. In this peculiar twist of fate, the law appears to be working in his favor. The statute of limitations for his crime is set at 20 years, and he managed to outlast it by living in obscurity. His lawyer, Alejandro De la Riva, stated, “The statute of limitations is 20 years, which is the time in which he managed to remain a fugitive living in hiding. He served his sentence that way.”

This unexpected legal development has now led Abregú to the Criminal Trial Court in Río Grande, where he is seeking a prescription of the case. The outcome of this legal process is highly anticipated, as it could determine whether Abregú will walk free and live out the remaining years of his life within society.

70-year-old killer of pregnant wife emerges from rainforest 22 years after escaping prison because statute of limitations ran out
Abregú resided unnoticed within the Chaco Salteño forest for over 22 years and reemerged in the island group once the legal time limit for his crime had expired. (Newsflash)

A Future Uncertain

Despite his reemergence, it remains uncertain whether Abregú will regain his freedom. Sources close to the prosecutor’s office have indicated that his release is not guaranteed, as there are legal issues surrounding his case. The specter of justice still looms large, and the intricacies of the legal system will play a pivotal role in deciding the fate of this fugitive turned elderly man.

In conclusion, the story of Ramón Ángel Abregú is one that has captured the imagination of many. It is a tale of escape, survival, and the intriguing nuances of the law. Abregú’s ability to outlast the statute of limitations and resurface after more than two decades in the Argentinian rainforest is a testament to the unexpected twists and turns life can take. As the legal process unfolds, the world watches with bated breath, awaiting the final chapter of this gripping saga.


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