Partially dismembered body of a Man put in shopping cart, taken for a ride on train, then set on fire near NYC
Crime News

Partially dismembered body of a Man put in shopping cart, taken for a ride on train, then set on fire near NYC

Police are looking into a horrifying incident where a man’s body was found burning inside a shopping cart under a bridge in Yonkers, a nearby city of New York City.On…
NYC grandpa, 77, ran over and killed by his own car during dispute with another driver over parking space

NYC grandpa, 77, ran over and killed by his own car during dispute with another driver over parking space

An awful event that happened in Brooklyn on Thursday resulted in the death of a 77-year-old man. Iosif Lontsman sadly passed away as a result of a terrible incident that…
Long Island, New York dog fighting bust leads to 89 pooches rescued
Crime News

Long Island, New York dog fighting bust leads to 89 pooches rescued

In one of the largest busts of dogfighting rings in New York state history, over 80 dogs were saved and ten male suspects were taken into custody on Monday in…
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