When Girls use Boy filters compared to Boys using Girl filters. Now on our TeePublic and RedBubble shops!

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Filters are all the rage on social media such as SnapChat, Instagram, or dating apps these days for example, to make people appear to look like an altered image of themselves. But the filters have done a bad job at making girls look like boys while doing a great job at making boys look like girls. Personally, I never use any kinds of filters in photos of myself, hard to believe, I know. This design may be appealing to those in the LGBTQIA+ community who support their rights, including Trans rights.

When Girls use Boy filters compared to Boys using Girl filters
Filters are all the rage on social media such as SnapChat, Instagram, or dating apps these days for example, to make people appear to look like an altered image of themselves. But the filters have done a bad job at making girls look like boys while doing a great job at making boys look like girls. Personally, I never use any kinds of filters in photos of myself, hard to believe, I know. This design may be appealing to those in the LGBTQIA+ community who support their rights, including Trans rights.

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