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Hand Crafted Greater Staff, Other Staff, Hand Drawings, Custom Painted Guy Fawkes Mask

assassins creed syndicate hood coat anonymous guy fawkes mask kyle james lee
Kyle James Lee
Nanaki from Final Fantasy VII Red XIII Hand-drawing by Kyle James Lee
Nanaki/Red XIII from Final Fantasy VII. Hand-drawing by Kyle James Lee
Spiritual Tribal hand-drawing 2 by Kyle James Lee
Spiritual Tribal hand-drawing 2 by Kyle James Lee
Spiritual Tribal hand-drawing 1 by Kyle James Lee
Spiritual Tribal hand-drawing 1 by Kyle James Lee

A triangle, the 3 dots in the corners represent body, mind and soul. There is mankind in the middle, with aura flowing. An Eye with a 7 on top meaning “Eye Saw God”, but God to me is Advanced Extraterrestrial Beings. The arrows are aura flowing through the ground. Inside the man are symbols such as a 6 with a 7 on top, Earth, thee lines meaning Heaven, then other symbols from somewhere.

Spiritual Tribal hand-drawing 3 by Kyle James Lee
Spiritual Tribal hand-drawing 3 by Kyle James Lee

Hand Crafted Greater Staff, Other Staff, Hand Drawings, Custom Painted Guy Fawkes Mask

Hand Crafted Greater Staff, Other Staff, Hand Drawings, Custom Painted Guy Fawkes Mask

Hand crafted six foot tall Greater Staff made from a fallen large Oak Tree Branch I found in a Public Park. Chopped, smoothed out by sanding, lacquered, then painted with black acrylic ink and wrapped by hand.

hand crafted walking stick
hand crafted walking stick
Hand Crafted Greater Staff, Other Staff, Hand Drawings, Custom Painted Guy Fawkes Mask
hand crafted walking stick
Hand Crafted Greater Staff, Other Staff, Hand Drawings, Custom Painted Guy Fawkes Mask
hand crafted walking stick

Staff / Walking Stick that is over five feet tall. Fallen near my house, and I’m not sure what type of wood it is. Same kind of process as the larger Greater Staff, with cherry mahogany lacquer, applied to it, and the wrapping was also done by hand.

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Kyle James Lee
Majority Owner of The AEGIS Alliance. I studied in college for Media Arts, Game Development. Talents include Writer/Article Writer, Graphic Design, Photoshop, Web Design and Development, Video Production, Social Media, and eCommerce.


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